After building quite a lot of stuff, it’s time to put all those efforts together in my rack. From left to right: And here’s a quick demo I […]
High and Low pass filters – White edition
The 24db 4-poles resonant high and low pass filters back to back in a good looking white half rack version, intended for DJ/Club use! Here are a few […]
High and low pass Stereo AS3320 on PCB
Apart from a few mistakes, both the PCBs worked, so I could quickly build two stereo devices, a low-pass and a high-pass. It sounds great, just like I […]
DIY Eurorack Cabinet
I had this small shelf I wanted to turn into a rack for a while: I had to figure out a way to hold the faceplates in the […]
Small Stone Clone mod part2: Univibing
The first mod will be getting this “Univibe” hack: The idea is to emulate the “Univibe” effect using the four CA3080 OTAs on the clone, getting both […]
Electro-Harmonix Small Stone Clone rework
It’s been a while since I wanted to rework my Small Stone clone aka the Piedrita by Tonepad. This is still on a breadboard but it works well […]
BB BP-1 Filter
Next on the list is building great filters, both resonating High and Low Pass, voltage control is a must if I want this to integrate further on a […]
CA3080 4 Stages Phaser
I just love Electro-Harmonix phasers such as the Small Stone or the Electric Mistress.. I found these schematics to build a Small Stone replica using the CA3080 Operational […]
Delays lays lays
My my first effect build I wanted to do a delay so I went and shopped around for designs. I found some cool ones there, based on the […]
The OP-HPF High Pass Filter
I wanted to have an Isolator-style high pass filter device to play with. I found this design at that uses a very common op-amp, the TL072. And there I […]