In my last post, I was talking about the Power supplies and how those Eletechsup devices were able to provide +-12V rails. So I decided to upgrade my […]
EuroRack Power Supplies
It took me quite some time to find out how to power up my EuroRack builds, which typically need +12V, -12V and +5V rails, besides using a lab […]
Un peu de musique!
Even though I really enjoyed designing and building all this stuff, the final goal was making music with it after all. So here are a few clips, audio […]
DCO build – Update 4: the RUNO-4!
After my first attempt to build a polyphonic synth, I realise I’ll have to upgrade my technique to something more reliable. Having always been a big JUNO-60 fan, […]
New Rack!
After building quite a lot of stuff, it’s time to put all those efforts together in my rack. From left to right: And here’s a quick demo I […]
VCDO1 Synth In-A-Box
I thought this nice build deserved a nice enclosure, so here it is! Thanks to A&T for the nice wooden box!
I definitely need a polyphonic synth for chords, pads and strings. I’ve always loved the Juno-60 so that will be the direction I’ll take, but in the meantime […]
VCDO-based new synth!
After the BH-101, loosely based on the Roland SH-101, I wanted a new synth. I’ve chosen the Electric Druid VCDO as the oscillator. Despite being digital in the […]
Cheap and easy CV controllers
When you’re using CV gear, you need multiple sources of 0-5V to control it all. I used this simple schematic. Pots are acting as voltage dividers to send […]
High and Low pass filters – White edition
The 24db 4-poles resonant high and low pass filters back to back in a good looking white half rack version, intended for DJ/Club use! Here are a few […]
High and low pass Stereo AS3320 on PCB
Apart from a few mistakes, both the PCBs worked, so I could quickly build two stereo devices, a low-pass and a high-pass. It sounds great, just like I […]
I recently made the big step to learning Kicad ( in order to create my own PCBs. I chose to try to make boards for my favorite filter […]
CmosOrchestra micro-live!
I finally managed to put together a 6 minutes track using all the gear I built:the BH-101, 3 LoFi Samplers, the 808-Kick Clone, the 808-Hats Clone, my Clap […]
It’s been a long time since I wanted to add a DIY sampler to my rack as the simplest way to get chords synth stabs to my music.After […]
I really wanted to have this project done, so I could enjoy myself a nice rotary mixer at home. The goal was to add one HP Filter on […]
BBMIXER: a DIY Rotary Mixer
I finally got my DIY Rotary Mixer working, and I’m quite happy with it! It has 2 lines, a PFL, individual and Master gain, and a High-Pass filter […]
DIY Eurorack Cabinet
I had this small shelf I wanted to turn into a rack for a while: I had to figure out a way to hold the faceplates in the […]
CMOS Orchestra Live!
A little demo featuring:– The BH-101 synth– The 808 Kick & Hats Clones– The B-Clap– The B-HPF and B-LPF filters– The Super-Simple 8 Step Sequencer– A very messy […]
Small Stone Clone mod part2: Univibing
The first mod will be getting this “Univibe” hack: The idea is to emulate the “Univibe” effect using the four CA3080 OTAs on the clone, getting both […]
Electro-Harmonix Small Stone Clone rework
It’s been a while since I wanted to rework my Small Stone clone aka the Piedrita by Tonepad. This is still on a breadboard but it works well […]
BR-808 Hi-Hats euroracked
Following my goal of standardizing the stuff I built previously to be compatible to the Eurorack standard, I had this 808 Hats clone redone: Here is a little […]
Eurorack Bus & PSU
I need to build something to power the new stuff, at least the BH-101, its waveform mixer and the Midi2CV interface. According to the Doepfer Eurorack specs, the […]
BH-101: Euroracked
To easily integrate the BH-101 amongst other instruments, I had to choose between the standards available. I went for Eurorack aka the Doepfer A-100 system. A bus with […]
Midi2CV-Connecting worlds!
I was not sure this would be a very interesting build as it is not a sound generator per se, but it still will gonna save me the […]
BH-101 Synthetiser
This is my first “real” voltage-controlled synth build using the CEM3340 clone the AS3340: The CEM3340 was the oscillator used in the famous Roland SH-101 and MKS-80. […]
BB BP-1 Filter
Next on the list is building great filters, both resonating High and Low Pass, voltage control is a must if I want this to integrate further on a […]
808 Hi-Hats Clone on stripboard
After the successful cloning of the 808 Kick, I needed at least a hi-hat to go along. I found this great thread on electro-music, about building the 808 […]
Grand Mixer DIY
Now I need to put all thiese “modules” together, so I’m going to build the simpler mixer I can think of… That design is exactly what I think […]