Un peu de musique!

Even though I really enjoyed designing and building all this stuff, the final goal was making music with it after all.

So here are a few clips, audio and video.

An introduction:

A live test drive, audio through the iPhone’s mic:

Some minimalistic 4 to the floor electro bassline banger:

My free adaptation of a classic piece by Jean Langlais, featuring the RUNO-4 and the BH-101:

Broke J (Ambient Mix)..Gets in tune mid-song when the AS3340 oscillator gets at temperature:)

Broke J (Beat mix)

Some Deep House pentatonic madness using the good ol’ AUDUINO:

And finally my one-track micro-live: “Le constructeur” featuring Ferdine on the microphone:

It’s all of couse a big Work in Progress, but I’m quite happy looking back at it. I now have a solid set and I will try to dedicate some time to making more music. I have a demanding job too, and adding a single piece of gear takes days, even weeks sometimes. Thank you for reading this so far, and please don’t hesitate to give your feedback!

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